BNF 5 Infections

Formulary Last Updated
NICE Antimicrobial prescribing guidance January 2024

Prescribing Guidelines for BNF 5 Infections

Prescribing Guideline Last Updated Review Date
C difficile - management in primary care June 2022 May 2025
Chicken pox & shingles - management in pregnant women & neonates July 2024 July 2027
Chlamydia testing and management guideline March 2023 February 2026
Colomycin - use in lung infections in adults with Bronchiectasis January 2024 December 2026
OPAT step up policy (North Derbyshire OPAT Team use only) August 2019 March 2024
Thrush - oral treatment in babies and lactating women May 2023 April 2026
Urinary Tract Infections - diagnosis & management - PHE None None
Urinary Tract Infections - management in CKD August 2022 July 2025

Other Information

Relevant resources:


Antibiotic sensitivity reporting guide