Clinical Policies are approved and ratified by the Clinical Policy Advisory Group (CPAG) and updated on this website on a monthly basis. For further information including CPAG Terms of Reference, CPAG bulletin and Decisions see Clinical Policies Advisory Group page.
The NHS has a responsibility to make sure it is using its limited resources in a way that gives patients the most health benefits and best outcomes. The ICB has a range of Clinical Policies which outline the treatments and procedures we fund and details of who may be eligible to receive them. For background and further detail please see Clinical Policies Operating Framework under the Governance page.
Cessation of legacy ICB function for EBI (formally Procedures of Limited Clinical Value) and Cosmetics Referral Assessment Service
As of Monday 18th March 2024, Prior approval services for Evidence Based Interventions (EBI) and Cosmetics will cease to operate.
This follows the publication of the new Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board (DDICB) organisational structures as part of the ICB right sizing and right shape restructure.
A letter and FAQ are available at the links below covering salient points:
Cessation of Prior Approval Service - Letter
Cessation of Prior Approval Service - FAQ
Evidence Based Interventions (EBI)
The Evidence Based Interventions Programme is an initiative led by the Academy of Royal Colleges to improve the quality of care. It is a joint enterprise between national partners: The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (AoMRC), NHS Clinical Commissioners (NHSCC), The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and NHS England and Improvement.
Created by doctors and patients it is designed to reduce the number of medical or surgical interventions as well as some other tests and treatment which the evidence tells us is inappropriate for some patients in some circumstances and can sometimes do more harm than good. As well as improving outcomes it also means that we can free up valuable resources so they can be put to better use elsewhere in the NHS.
See DDICB EBI Position Statement