Clinical Guidelines

Prescribing guidelines and recommendations are approved and ratified by the Joint Area Prescribing Committee.

Members include primary and secondary care clinicians, representatives from commissioner and provider organisations and other stakeholders, working together to develop a consistent health community approach to medicines management.

This committee has a wide remit around formulary management and clinical guidelines, but also considers the implementation of NICE guidance and manages the introduction of medicines and some prescribable medical devices across a health economy.

The Derbyshire JAPC have developed an abridged version of the most commonly prescribed formulary medicines in primary care:


BNF Chapters & prescribing guidelines

In this section you will find the full formulary and prescribing guidelines relevant to the BNF Chapters.

BNF Chapter Appendices


End of Life Pathway - Derbyshire Alliance for End of Life Care

Resources for medicine queries

SPS/UKMi Drug Monitoring in Adults in Primary Care (See shared care agreements or local guidance where relevant)

SPS Medicines Supply Tool (require sign in)


Renal Resources
  • Medicines and Your Kidneys Patient Information Leaflet - follow the link to the Patient Information section 
  • SPS: Calculating Kidney Function - follow the link

Self care now has its own section under Clinical Guidelines

Items which should not be routinely prescribed across Derbyshire can be found here


Deprescribing now has its own section under Clinical Guidelines


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